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Thursday, February 28, 2008


I turn to several sources every morning when doing my daily devotional. I don't just pick up a book, read, write down a few things, and call it done. I look through a devotional Bible and several online resources, first. Some mornings, even though I might find a passage that speaks to me, it's difficult to translate into my own words just what I feel the passage is saying. Some mornings, I guess, when a long day before, or the lack of sleep, or just the stress of day to day life, makes it just a little harder for me to focus on what I would say about what God is saying. This morning is feeling like one of those mornings. When all else has failed me in my devotional, I pick up the Bible, close my eyes, and just flip open to a page, and read. Today I share with you what I read, and a brief prayer, and hope that it speaks quietly to you. P: Lord, help me to find in Your Word the guidance and direction I need along my path each day. Help me to live as an example, and to find comfort in Your Word when challenge arises.

Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Isaiah 55:1-5
  • O: God has already provided for us more than money can give.
  • A: More on treasures. As man has made money the currency of life, God has made love the currency of life. By His love and grace He provided everything man needed in the Garden of Eden: fruit, vegetables, meat, all manner of food sources. Man, unfortunately, chose the forbidden fruit, and God took away the Garden of Eden. He did not, however, take away those other provisions. Plant a seed and the earth will yield produce. Take a cup down to a stream and find the refreshment of clear water (it is only in need of filtration now because of our own doing, not God's). And any patient, determined hunter can find meat for the next meal. Clothing is available from all of these sources, with a little ingenuity. This is not to say that we should live like "savages" and shun all modern conveniences. It is merely to illustrate that God has provided, and continues to provide, for those who trust in Him to provide. Upon banishment from the Garden of Eden, God gave man the curse having to toil for his sustenance. We must work for our food. He took away the ease with which we could partake of His provisions, but He has not taken away the actual provisions. Money is a creation of man. It is something that we have created and assigned a value to in order to facilitate easy and meaningful trade. Instead of bartering for how many potatoes this rug is worth, or how many sheep to trade for that, we now have currency in the form of paper money, which has meaning only because man has assigned it a value. If we did not hold money in such high esteem, the richest among us would quickly become the poorest, and those rich in the trust and love of God would be the wealthiest among us in every way.
  • P: Lord, help me to recognize the ways in which You provide, to be thankful for those provisions, and to use them wisely. Help me to avoid the trap of assigning too much importance to money in my life, and to invest my time and energies in the truly important things like God and family.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Greatest Good

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Genesis 3:1-7, Luke 24:28-35, John 19
  • O: Life can be filled with eye-opening events.
  • A: It can be too easy, at times, to doubt the goodness of God. How many times have you prayed to ask for God's help or guidance with something and didn't ever hear the answer? How many times have you found yourself in situations in life that were quite trying? Times when you felt that maybe you just couldn't go on, and you asked God for strength, and you didn't feel that He was hearing you? It is said that God answers prayer in three ways: yes, no, and wait. It can be very easy, at times like these, to feel that maybe God isn't as good as they say He is. God reveals Himself to us in ways of His own choosing, not necessarily the ways we might want Him to. He revealed Himself to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when they might have least wanted to hear from Him: after eating of the fruit from the forbidden tree. He revealed Himself to His disciples when they expected it so little that they didn't even recognize Him: on the road after his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Have you ever considered that maybe the only answers you've heard are the yes answers because that's the only answers you want to hear? God reveals Himself to us in His own ways and in His own time. Such as he did on the cross in the form of His son, Jesus Christ. Which is the barometer by which we must measure God's goodness. Not how He answers this prayer or that. Not what is happening in your life today. But the fact that God loved you so much that He died on the cross for your sins. That, my friend, is the Greatest Good.
  • P: Lord, help me to use my time with You in prayer not to ask for help in areas where I'm struggling, but to ask that You use your divine influence with elected leaders who are making the decisions that may change our lives on earth forever, and to to use Your divine influence with us as we go to the polls to choose who those next elected leaders will be. Help me use my time in prayer to ask that You shower others with blessings. Not that You help me to make ends meet, or land the next big promotion, etc. For I will receive Your blessings through seeing them come showering down on others.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Matthew 12:33-34
  • O: We are judged by what we produce.
  • A: It has been said that you can't judge a book by its cover. Often, this is true. How many times have you been in a book store and picked up the latest from a bestselling author because of it's exciting cover design, only to spend a few minutes reading about the book and learning that it's just not what you were looking for? It is similar with people. You cannot assume because a man or woman is living in an alley, homeless, dressed in tattered rags, that they are a bad person, or a failure in life. Likewise you cannot assume that the businessman dressed in his three-piece suit is all good and helpful. Looks can be quite deceiving. But one thing that rarely deceives people is the fruit that we yield. Just as a tree which yields apples is an apple tree, and a tree which yields oranges is an orange tree, a person who yields the fruit of God will be judged by his or her fruit. What kind of Christian is it that does not do the work of God, sharing the word of God and bringing lost souls to the fold? God wants his people to go to all the world sharing the Good News. In the final days, when God rewards His people for doing His work, it is the fruit that we yield by which we will be judged. Are there any apples falling from your branches?
  • P: Lord, help me to live a life for you, to remember and act upon the Great Commission, sharing with others my knowledge of the Good News of Salvation.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Strong Woman

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Proverbs 31:1-10, 1 Peter 3:1-6
  • O: A man is called to do many things. He is appointed to be the spiritual leader of the house, to be the breadwinner, the protector. Traditionally, anyway.
  • A: It's sad that many women today would argue the role that a man is supposed to have in the family. Many women will tell you that the idea of the man being the spiritual leader, chief breadwinner, and protector of the family is wrong. Many women would say that's a chauvinistic attitude. That's sad, really. Because when a man is in his proper role, and a woman is in her proper role, anyone that's going to be honest with you will tell you that the woman really is the strength of a household. There is truth to the saying that behind every man is a good woman, or however that goes. In today's society, in families that take on the traditional roles, a strong woman in the household is of vital importance. I have told my wife a million times that I'm a Store Manager and she's the Home Manager. When asked by people where my wife works, I always reply that she works at home, and that her job is harder than mine. Raising two kids, maintaining the house, keeping the bills straight, and planning our activities are just a few of the many tasks on her To Do List on a regular basis. My job, though sometimes one of high stress, is basically the same old dull routine day after day. My wife is the First Responder when one of the kids gets hurt, having to take whatever action necessary to comfort and bandage as needed; she is the educator working daily to teach our son to read; she -- like my mother -- is the glue that bonds this family together. As much as I might bellyache about my job, I can truly say one thing -- in the words of Bill Cosby, I've seen my wife's job, and I don't want it!
  • P: Lord, Thank You for the wonderful woman that shares my life. She is truly a blessing beyond that which I could ever deserve. Help me to someday be worthy of such a wonderful gift as her.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Examples For Children

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Proverbs 24:33-34; Proverbs 4
  • O: We must diligently live the example that we want our children to emulate.
  • A: Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk from your lips. Let our eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. It can be too easy at times to stray off course. While getting back on course can be done -- and sometimes easily -- when you're engaged in the process of raising children, permanent damage can be done when you allow yourself to stray. We must remember that our children are watching -- all the time. They see everything we do, all the time. They hear everything we say. And they repeat our actions. Like a little monkey-see-monkey-do, my 22-month-old daughter mimics everything she sees. Her older brother is her biggest example, and everything he does, she does. By the same token, my son has picked up all that he knows from those around him -- mostly his mother and myself. So we must at all times remember to watch our tongues, be careful what we do and say. Not that my wife and I have a problem with fowl language, but sometimes simple things like talking about a person's weight, or our opinion of something someone else may have done, can become public knowledge when our little echoes run around repeating our very words to the very people we were referring to. In addition, we must set an example in all that we do. My wife is very much frustrated with the obvious lack of modesty most people have today -- especially women. You cannot turn on the television set without exposing yourself -- and your children -- to more flesh than anyone should be subjected to outside the bedroom. But it isn't just on television. Any casual stroll through the mall, or Wal-Mart, or any other public place, puts us in a position to see more than we care to see, and much more than we want our children to see at their age. As a father and devoted husband, I must constantly be averting my attention from whatever the next indecent exposure will be. And I must virtually predict what's coming up and where, so I can avert my attention in advance. I want to model the right behavior for my children, and to openly display for all to see that my wife is the only woman that I have any desire for. Not only must my son see that it's not right to exploit women, my daughter must also see that there is nothing attractive in that type of behavior so that she won't feel compelled to model it herself some day. And teaching those things to them must begin at a very early age. All it takes to throw these young impressionable minds off course is for me to falter in my step for just a moment.
  • P: Lord, help me to lead by example in all that I do and say. Help me to keep my feet on the right path and to show my children -- through words and actions -- what is right and what is wrong. Guide me down the path, Lord, that I may guide my children well.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Had an unanticipated episode of oversleeping this morning. I hate it when that happens. The alarm went off at 6am, and I hit snooze three times (my alarm clock has a one-minute snooze), then turned the alarm clock off at 6:03, with every intention of getting out of bed. Next thing I knew, it was 6:48. Out of bed, rushing into the shower, and skipping lunch, I headed off to work through the ice and slush from an overnight snow. It took me twice as long as normal to get to work, of course -- isn't that always the case when you get a late start in the morning? So I didn't have a chance to publish my devotional this morning. But the SOAP will be back to normal beginning tomorrow morning. Please be patient with me.

Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Great Commission

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • Somedays, there just doesn't seem to be much to say. I've read through several online devotionals today, looking for the one that just struck the right cord with me; one that would make me feel like I had something to add to the conversation, so I could share it here. I guess it just doesn't always happen that way. It seems that almost everything I read this morning was about sharing your beliefs and your faith with others. Well, we should all be doing that all of the time anyway, shouldn't we? I shouldn't need a daily devotional to tell me that. The Bible tells me that. That is, after all, what The Great Commission is all about. To spread the teachings of Christ throughout the world. And we must each do our part in that, no matter how large or small that part might be. I long for a devotional of sorts that hits home in a different sort of way. Something that speaks to me on a daily basis about life, and work, and going about things each day. Parenting. Leadership. You know, day to day stuff. I have a couple of resources I'm going to look at and may be using here a little more than the online devotionals that, though they are good, all seem to share the same thoughts. The Good Lord willing, this won't become just another rehash of all the online devotional sites already on the web.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Salvation of Lincoln

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Luke 24:13-27
  • O: On the day that Christ arose, He presented Himself to many people, including two men walking along the road, discussing the tragic crucifixion and how down they felt that their hopes of the Messiah seemed to be dashed. Christ replied, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart...." The continued to tell them all of the stories of him as prophesied in the Bible, beginning with Moses and all of the prophets.
  • A: It sometimes takes great trial and hardship to bring one to salvation in Christ. On this Presidents' Day, we're reminded that Abraham Lincoln was not a Christian when he was elected President; he was not a Christian when he buried his son. Lincoln later told his hometown of Springfield, Illinois, "...when I saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ. I do love Jesus." It took the senseless massacre of thousands in the Civil War for Abraham Lincoln to turn to the salvation of Jesus Christ. I was saved at the age of twelve, raised in a family that when to church Sunday mornings and evenings and Wednesday evenings -- a Baptist church. Several years ago, after the loss of thousands of lives in the attacks of 9/11, my wife and I began attending church again. The tragedy is that, for some, rather than being saved by the tragedy, they are lost in it. What about you? Will you be saved, or lost? Why wait to find out. Why not choose salvation now?
  • P: Thank You, Lord, for salvation. For paying the ultimate price for my sins (and those of my family) so that we may live forever with You.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lead By Example

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Matthew 23:1-12
  • O: Jesus told his followers that the religious leaders of their day were more show than go, and that although they must follow their direction, they were not to follow their poor example.
  • A: Basic leadership principles dictate that one should never ask those who follow him to do something that he will not, cannot, or has not done himself. It is imperative to lead by example. As I stated yesterday, our actions are critical, because what we do speaks louder than what we say. Do we rebuke our employees for being late to work, but never show up on time ourselves? Do we drive them as a taskmaster while never doing any tasks ourselves? Have you, as a leader, ever cleaned the restroom? Small things, sure, but they speak big words. In your walk with God, do you go to church on Sunday, sit in the sanctuary, sing and Amen along with the service, then go to work on Monday and use foul language, tell suggestive jokes, and drink to excess during lunch? Do you try to tell people that Jesus saves while all the while living your life like you could use a little salvation yourself? Words are just that, words. We can all use whatever words we like. But they can be very shallow things if your actions don't have a little meat to them. You must live the example that you would want others to follow. Your words only take on importance after your actions have set the tone for what you say. Your words should reinforce your actions rather than contradict them. Are you all bark? Or do your actions have a little bite?
  • P: Lord, help me to lead by example, at home, at work, and in public. Help me to examine my actions before others can to make sure that my actions and words are in agreement and present the best possible example for others.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

True Confessions

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Matthew 16:13-17
  • O: In the days when Jesus walked this Earth among us, there was much doubt as to who he was. Was he the Son of Man, sent here by God to save us from our sins? Some thought the Son of Man was John the Baptist, Elijah, or someone else. But Simon Peter spoke up with certainty, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
  • A: I was watching the news on CNN last night, and Wolf Blitzer was talking to retired basketball player Charles Barkley. Barkley was announcing his support for Democratic Presidential hopeful Barack Obama. Interestingly, he said he would back Hillary Clinton if she were to become the nominee -- he just had to vote for a Democrat. And why? Because, in his words, Conservatives are "fake Christians." Barkley is pro-choice, for gay marriage, and against increasing taxes. In his opinion, today's Conservatives are fake because we "want to be judge and jury." He says we aren't forgiving. As much as liberals want to maintain "separation of church and state" -- which, by the way, is not guaranteed in the Constitution -- Religion plays a major role in politics in our country. How many times have we heard the media express their concern over Mitt Romney being a Mormon, or Mike Huckabee being a former Baptist Minister? How many times have we heard the Democratic candidates try to tell us of their religious beliefs (which, by the way, they have to tell us about because they haven't shown us by their actions). It's easy to deny Christ day by day, only to quote Him or one of His teachings when it benefits you. But what of standing strong on your beliefs like Simon Peter? What of speaking up and saying that yes, Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, who came to take away the sins of the world? What would you say if you were asked? Would you confess, or deny? And if you would deny, then how does that impact the rest of your life? Do you "swear to God?" Do you take the Lord's name in vain? Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? Think about it. Feel free to comment.
  • P: Father, help me to be strong in my convictions, to show my beliefs by my actions, to confess you with my mouth. Help me to wear my heart on my sleeve. I want to shout it from the mountaintop, that Jesus Christ is King!
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Psalm 119:65-80
  • O: Sometimes God uses trial and hardship to bring us closer to Him.
  • A: Not that it's a form of punishment, so much. Though the Bible is full of situations in which God punished people for sin, we have been given the ultimate forgiveness for sin. Whether you choose to accept that forgiveness is up to you, but God has eliminated the need to punish us for failing Him. Instead, I think, God sometimes withholds His blessings from those of us who may have strayed in one way or another. And the withholding of those blessings can be sufficient that our own sinful acts send us into a state of turmoil. It doesn't seem to take long to start reaping what you sow. If what you sow is evil and wrong, then quite quickly you might find that bad things start coming your way. Isn't it funny how we then forget about the sin we may have committed? But if what you sow is love, goodwill, and obedience to God, He will shower you with blessings. The best thing of all: is isn't too late to change.
  • P: Lord, help me to be more obedient to Your will. Help me to reject the sinful ways of the world that can be so easy for people to fall victim to, and to live my life according to Your plan.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: 1 Corinthians 13:4
  • O: Love is completely selfless.
  • A: It's Valentines Day. For a man like me, that means that I'm supposed to come up with some special way to show my wife that I love her. For a woman, that means that she's just supposed to be. Really. She doesn't have to do anything special. Valentines Day should be for her, not for me. It's up to me to show my love for her in some special way today. My wife isn't one who takes pleasure in receiving roses or chocolates, or any other traditional Valentines Day tokens. Not that she needs something major like diamonds. Just to be loved. God once gave His children the greatest Valentine of all. His Son on a cross. By sending His Son to die for our sins, He showed us that He loves us in the ultimate way. Of course, though I would give my life for the safety of my wife without hesitation, thankfully, Valentines Day doesn't demand such a major gift as that.
  • P: Lord, help me to show my family today -- and especially my wife -- that I love her. Help me to display my love for her not with chocolates or roses, but with my actions.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Psalm 51:8-13
  • O: God forgives sin.
  • A: The Bible says that we all sin. Everyone. You. Me. The President. Your Pastor. Even the Pope. No one is immune to sin. Just as we all have sinned against God, we likely have all wronged someone that we love or care about in some way. We've all made mistakes. It's, frankly, easier to make a mistake than not. And if you have children, well, how much of your time do you spend correcting your children for undesirable behavior? The good news: God forgives our sins. Just for the asking. And not only does he forgive, but he forgets them. It's as if that sin that we have confessed and asked to be forgiven was never committed. Can you imagine?! How is that for grace?! But how graceful are we as a society? With our mandatory sentencing, and statutes of limitations -- all things that are needed, unfortunately, to maintain an orderly society. But when was the last time you showed grace to someone you loved? When was the last time you said, "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal. Stuff happens." When was the last time you showed such grace to your own children, as God shows to his children every time we ask? My 4-year old son has been staying with his grandparents since Sunday. It was originally planned to be a two-night stay over, but the snow and ice that fell in Indianapolis on Monday night and Tuesday changed our plans. Due to road conditions, we've had to leave him there for another night. And it's still snowing outside. I have to work today, and my wife is supposed to go pick him up. I miss him. I called him yesterday and spoke briefly on the phone with him, but that doesn't make up for playing Scooby Doo with him on TV, or hide-and-seek, or being awakened when he crawls into bed with us in the middle of the night. It doesn't make up for having him here. And I've thought over these past few days of just how much time I spend correcting him for undesired behavior. Sure, even the Bible says we need to discipline our children. But to what extent? Can I try to be more understanding and more patient with my son? I think so. I think I must. I think I must show my children the kind of grace that God shows me on a daily basis.
  • P: God, I miss my son. I know he's coming back to us soon, but that doesn't change the fact that I feel his temporary absence. And worse, this time of separation makes me realize that maybe I waste some of the time that he's with us by rebuking him for misbehaving. And I realize today that, instead of rebuking, maybe I should find a way to do more with him. Help me to do that, Lord. Help me to show the grace that You show me. And more importantly, help me to sustain that, not to just slip back into the old practice of correcting him constantly after he's been back home for a couple of days. Remind me, somehow, to show grace.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Patience, Understanding, and Selflessness

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Ephesians 5:25-33
  • O: The Bible says that a husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church: by giving, not getting. Also, that a wife should honor her husband.
  • A: It seems that it should be so easy for a husband to be lovingly selfless with his wife (his entire family, for that matter). It seems that any husband would be happy to sacrifice -- to give his wife the best seat in the room, the last slice of cake, to let her watch the sappy chick flick instead of getting caught up on the latest news, even to give her the shirt off his own back. That's chivalry, after all, right? But so many people today have come to believe that chivalry is dead, and seem to have chosen to live those words (that chivalry is dead) instead of the words of God (that we should love our wives as Christ loves the church). It's an easy trap to fall into, thinking of yourself first. Sometimes, after a long and stressful day at work, I pull into the garage, looking forward to a fresh hot cup of coffee and dinner, just knowing that all of the stress is going to melt away the minute I walk in the door. But it rarely happens that way. Not because my wife doesn't love me. Not because the coffee isn't always fresh, or dinner isn't always ready. But because my wife has been home with two toddlers all day long, and her day has probably been more stressful than my own. And rather than being disappointed that my haven from stress is not there, I should be prepared to help my wife achieve her own relief from stress. Yesterday I came home from work to a sink disposal that was clogged with a potato (why do most women not know that you aren't supposed to put potato in a disposal?), new curtains to hang in the dining room, and the coffee wasn't made. My wife was making potato soup for dinner, but she had originally planned something else, and I was a little disappointed to see that she had changed the menu. We ate, I fixed the sink, and hung the curtains. The whole time, we kind of griped at each other. Why? Because I wanted to relax with a hot cup of coffee, but had work to do instead. Because my wife had changed the menu to hot soup on a cold night, and I seemed more disappointed than grateful. Was I loving my wife as Christ loves the church? I love her, sure. And I did unclog the sink, and I did hang the curtains. I was selfless, right? One might think so. But one would be wrong. I may have done what seemed to me to be some selfless acts, but my attitude about the whole time was one of me, me, me -- selfish. I was disappointed because I didn't get my cup of coffee. I was disappointed because my dinner menu had been changed. I was disappointed because instead of relaxing and letting the stress of the day melt away, I had to unclog the sink and hang some curtains. But you know what? I'm sitting next to those curtains in the dining room right now, and it's kind of nice having those windows covered finally. My wife did well, as she usually does, and I need to be a little more mindful and appreciative of that.
  • P: Father, help me to better express my love for my wife and my family as Christ shows his love for the church. He died on the cross for us, and while I would unhesitatingly die to save anyone in my family, why do I sometimes hesitate to do much smaller things to please them? Help me, Lord, to be the selfless, loving husband and father that you would have me be. Help me to be more giving, more understanding, more patient, and more appreciative.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Envy Beast

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: 2 Samuel 12:1-13
  • O: David, the King, wants everything. In fact, he has everything. But wants more. He wants it all to himself, while at the same time wanting to appear generous and kind. Though David had land, and servants, and wives, he wanted more. And he had grown accustomed to taking what he wanted. He killed a man to take his wife. And David was fine with it all, and felt that he himself could do no wrong. In fact, when David's friend Nathan came to him with the story of a man who had stolen a poor man's sheep to feed a rich friend, rather than feeding the rich friend from his own flock, David was furious. Rather than recognize that the story was about him, David insisted that the thief be hunted down and lynched -- that he pay four times the price as punishment for his stinginess (of not feeding the guest his own lamb). Only after Nathan pointed out that the man in the story was he, did David realize his sins. This realization led him immediately to repentance, to ask God for forgiveness. As a man of God, Nathan spoke the obvious, that God would forgive David's sin. God, speaking through Nathan, told David that he would still pay a price for the blasphemy of his behavior.
  • A: Envy. It's so easy to see something and what it for myself. A house, a car, a new electronic gadget. I'm not an overly worldly man. I've never been plagued much with envy. I don't often see something someone else -- or see something in the store -- and just have to have one for my own. But I'm a gadget geek. And I love to read. And frequently I'll see a new book out, or the latest tech toy, or some similar item, and the desire for that new gadget or that new book can be almost overwhelming. While I would never kill or steal to satisfy the envy, it can be quite tempting at times to take money from one line in the budget and put it toward my latest gadget desire. And isn't that a form of stealing? Stealing from myself, sure, or from the needs of my family. Maybe waiting one payday longer to pay a bill so I can have a shiny new this or that? And in the end, who suffers? I'm happy with my new book or tech toy, and all is well in my world, right? But that bill might be earning interest or late fees, or my family might be doing without something that they need or want. And when my family suffers, who really loses? All of us.
  • P: Lord, help me to realize that the things of the world are just that, the things of the world. Help me to turn my desires toward You, and inward toward my family. Help me to overcome the Envy beast, and to know when that new book or that tech toy will fit into the budget without sacrificing elsewhere -- and when it won't fit into the budget at all. Help me to recognize the importance of being a good steward of all that you've given me and my family, and to manage our belongings in a way that would please and serve you.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Love Your Enemies

Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: Matthew 5:38-48
  • O: It's not enough to just be typical, to just show love to those that are close to you. It's not enough to just love your friends, family, and loved ones. That's what everyone does. What God wants from us is to strive to be like Him. Like Christ. When Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ, what did He do? He said, "That's me," told Peter to put away his sword, and went peacefully. What did Christ do when he was convicted by Pilate? When the soldiers whipped Him? When they hung Him on the cross? He forgave them. And the criminal that was crucified with Christ? He forgave him. He forgave them all, because He loved them. Even those who were His enemies, Christ loved. This is what God has commanded us to do -- to love our enemies. "Live generously and graciously toward others."
  • A: It seems so easy to just go through the day, minding my own business, getting the job done. I get up in the morning, go to work, then come home at night. Sure, I encounter people and interact with them, but do I really touch their lives? Do I really show those I encounter -- those who work for me, and others -- that I am a follower of Christ? Do I wear it like a badge or medal that I want everyone to see? Do I let it shine from the hilltop? Or do I just get through the day, not bothering to share the love of Christ with others? Not spreading the Good News, so that others can come to know Him?
  • P: Lord, help me to obey your commandment to go forth and preach the Good News. Help me to show those I encounter on a daily basis that I am a follower of the Living God, and that they, too, can be forgiven. Help me, Father, to share the story of Salvation with others. Help me to let my light shine from the hilltop for all to see, rather just getting through the day. Help me, in this way, to show the Love of Christ to all that I meet.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 206-600-4JOE.

Welcome to Soapy Joe

So what is Soapy Joe? Joe is Average Joe American, blogger and podcaster of independent music and opinion. Soapy Joe is where I hope to have a daily online devotional -- where I will record my personal daily quiet time with God. But what is the Soap about? Simple.

  • S = Scripture
  • O = Observation
  • A = Application
  • P = Prayer
The format I use for my daily devotional is four parts. [For more info, visit] First, I read some scripture, and occasionally a commentary on that scripture from a respected authority on the Bible. Second, I'll record my observation about the scripture -- what it means to me. Third, how that scripture and observation apply to my life today. You might be surprised just how perfectly a randomly selected passage of scripture can apply to your life. And finally, my prayer for the day. Usually it will be related to the passage of scripture and how it applies to my life, but occasionally it might be a totally unrelated prayer about something or other. So why am I doing this online? Two reasons, I guess. First, accountability. By posting my daily devotional online for all to read, I am accountable to you, the general public. If I miss a day, you will know about it. If I miss two days, or more, hopefully you will tell me about it. Nudge me, sort of. Second, just maybe something I read or say about a passage of scripture will have an application in the life of someone else who might stumble upon this page.
Okay, so Soapy Joe has grown from an online Life Journal into an Independent Christian Music Podcast. Wow, how things change. I felt strongly that God was calling me to expand my podcast repertoire into the Contemporary Christian Music genre. And this is the result. Soapy Joe will now bring you (hopefully) more frequent Life Journaling, as I have recently purchased an actual Life Journal and hope to use it daily, as well as the best Independent Christian Music available today. Sit back, relax, and enjoy.
So here it is, some good clean content from Average Joe.
Welcome to Soapy Joe.