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Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: If anyone loves me, he will carefully keep my word and my Father will love him—we'll move right into the neighborhood! Not loving me means not keeping my words. The message you are hearing isn't mine. It's the message of the Father who sent me. John 14:24 [MSG]
  • O: We show our love for Jesus by keeping his word and doing his works.
  • A: I've journaled before about the difference between belief and works, and how one gets us to Heaven and the other pays our rewards after getting to Heaven. While works don't make the grade, it is by doing God's works and obeying His words that we display our love for Him for all to see. It's like oxygen and carbon dioxide. If we breathe in oxygen, we must breathe out carbon dioxide. That's just the way out works. Similarly, if we take Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, we must breathe out good works, and obey His words. It's not possible to do the first without the last. Not genuinely, that is, and not for long. If we say we love God and we don't show it, because we continue to wallow in sin, what kind of love is it really? If you say you love your spouse, yet you continually betray her, what kind of love is it? It is a deep and abiding love for Christ Jesus that first moves us to accept Him as our Savior, and second gives us the undeniable desire to obey His will. How can we love Him and not show it? How can we love Him and not want everyone to experience the power of His love? We cannot.
  • P: Father, Thank You for your love, and for Your plan of salvation. Thank You for sending Your Son to pay the price for my sins. For that which I am wholly unworthy, Thank You. Guide me now, Lord, as I try to obey Your will, to do Your works, and to share Your love with those I encounter on a daily basis. Use me as tool, Lord, to grow Your kingdom.
Send feedback to Joe by email, or by calling 317-644-6129.
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